
Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 7AM - 7PM

Before you purchase our Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolve and/or Skin Booster Conversion Courses, please note that you need to have completed the prerequisite training as follows:

To enrol in the Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolve Conversion Course, you must possess a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or equivalent certification in Fat Dissolving.

To enrol in the Lemon Bottle Skin Booster Conversion Course, you must possess a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or equivalent certification in either Mesotherapy or Micro-needling.

If you don’t have the prerequisite training, we run the following courses below. Do contact us if you are not sure which course you need.

CPD in Fat Dissolving

Mesotherapy Training

VCTC (ITEC) Level 6 Award in Mesotherapy Treatments

VTCT Level 4 in Skin Needling

Micro-needling Training